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Image by Chris Lawton

Marktforschung und meer


My offer

I have been working in the field of market research for over 20 years, including 8 years as deputy managing director of a market research agency in Hamburg.
I am happy if you book me as a contractor for individual or several modules of a project. I am also happy to offer you full-service projects, which I design, conduct and analyse with the help of my well-developed network, tailor-made for you.
My wide range of services offers you more than usual. It includes:

Moderation Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer


In the course of my many years of moderation experience, I have developed my personal style. This enables me to achieve maximum breadth and optimal depth of exploration.

Conception Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer


Tailor-made conception and methodical elaboration of market research projects for your research objectives.

Report/ Presentation Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer

Report/ Presentation

My reports are characterised by my strong analytical skills and clear recommendations for action.
In my presentations, I am very happy to discuss the results with you and your team.

Consulting Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer


Tailor-made conception and methodical elaboration of market research projects for your research objectives.

Workshops Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer


Conception and moderation of innovation and trend research workshops.

Network Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer


The mixture of my many years of experience and my broad network makes me so efficient.

Moderation Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer


What do I do when I moderate or interview?

I listen actively and - especially in group moderation - always briefly summarise what has been said. In this way I signal to the participants that I am very interested in their contributions and also want to understand them. Summarising briefly usually generates agreement, but it becomes particularly valuable when it elicits additions and/or clarifications. This is an important aspect for a lively - and thus fruitful - discussion.

Professional expertise
In order to be able to assess the contributions of the participants, to recognise the promising aspects and to follow them up, a good professional understanding of the research topic is indispensable for me. I have this knowledge based on my experience in various industries (automotive, IT, energy, consumer goods). I carefully familiarise myself in advance with topics that are less familiar to me.

I like to use my sense of humour in my moderations. My focus is on situational humour that is able to lighten the mood and thus have an inviting effect on the participants. After all, a short, shared laugh creates a sense of well-being and relaxation.

Dealing with dominant/ reserved personality types
In every group there are people who are dominant and those who are more reserved. I stop the dominant ones in a nice way and pay close attention to the small signals that the reserved ones send out and then, at the next opportunity, speak directly to her/him. This makes the participant feel seen and invited to take part in the discussion despite her/his reticence.


Inviting more sensitive topics
I have repeatedly made the experience that my style of moderation and interviewing encourages participants to engage with more sensitive topics (e.g. illness, personal experiences of failure, financial worries, loneliness). This is very valuable in projects that want to reach a comprehensive understanding of non-mainstream target groups.

Conception Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer

Based on my many years of experience with market research projects, I find the most productive and cost-effective approach for your research objectives. It can make sense to choose a purely qualitative or purely quantitative approach. For larger projects, a combination of both is often the most insightful. In any case, I will develop a tailor-made concept for you. In the implementation, I cooperate with selected partners from my network, so that my high-quality standard is ensured for all service areas.


Tailor-made for your
research objectives

Report/ Presentation Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer

Based on my many years of experience in market research, I have developed a distinctive ability to analyse. This enables me to extract the important essences/insights from the variety of perspectives or data, to show connections and to explain deeper motives. It is always important to me to derive direct recommendations for action from the results. My recommendations are at the very beginning of a report so that they can be found immediately.


During the qualitative fieldwork I already develop a content framework for the analysis. As the fieldwork progresses, this framework takes on clearer and clearer forms. In the analysis and reporting phase, I then review my analysis on the basis of the transcripts/protocols and finalise it. In this process, it finally becomes clear what the decisive aspects are in terms of content and how connections between these and target group-specific characteristics are presented. Enrichment with quotes lets the consumers speak directly. Short video sequences can also convey a very lively impression of the people taking part.

I highlight the most important key figures (e.g. purchase intention and recommendation willingness, KBFs, etc.). Otherwise, I dive deeper into the data and calculate which subgroups reacted particularly positively (or negatively) to which contents. On the third level of analysis, I use correlational measures and multivariate analyses (e.g. variance or regression analysis) to identify the influences of important content aspects on each other (e.g. drivers of purchase intention).


I am happy to present the results in German or English. I invite you to ask questions during the presentation so that important aspects can be discussed immediately and are not forgotten later. For me, this dialogue with you and your colleagues is the final highlight of a project.

Report/ Presentation

Clear analyses and recommendations for action, lively presentation

Consulting Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer

For the last eight years as an employee, I worked in a management position (Deputy Managing Director) at a market research agency in Hamburg (HKM GmbH). This included strategic business decisions, personnel responsibility and decisions. With this background of experience, I can provide excellent advice to decision-makers, both in terms of content and strategy, because I am personally highly familiar with the challenges of a decision-maker.


Content and strategy

Workshops Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer
Workshops Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer

Workshops are a very valued part of my work. Especially when it comes to innovations and/or future trends, a workshop (e.g. with early adopters) can achieve very valuable results for you. I have conducted workshops with selected consumers and with client teams. In international contexts/participants/teams, I moderate my workshops in English.


Innovative engine

Network Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer

My comprehensive network of market research agencies, colleagues, recruiters, translators, studios and online panels enables me to offer you every aspect of a market research project. In doing so, I guarantee to maintain my high-quality standards. In this way, I can contribute decisively to the success of your project or carry out your project in a fully responsible, efficient and successful manner.


Selected partners, high quality

About me

Broad methodological expertise

My passion and expertise include both methodological directions of market research (qualitative and quantitative).

That's me

I am a true 'Hamburg boy' with a heart in the right place and a great love for the sea and sailing. That's how the 'meer’ (German for sea) gets into ‘Marktforschung und meer’ (meaning market research and more).

Portrait Kai Raschke Marktforschung und meer
Industry experience

I have a lot of experience in the automotive, mobility, consumer goods, IT/technical products and energy sectors.

Target group expertise

I have experience with various consumer groups as well as with different btb target groups.

My background

Human thinking, acting and feeling has always fascinated and interested me. A very good basis for a market researcher.


German is my mother tongue, my English is business fluent. Writing English reports as well as conducting interviews, presentations and workshops in English is a matter of course for me.

Broad methodological expertise

I took my first steps in market research in a qualitative environment. Since I have been working full-time as a market researcher, however, both methodological directions are equally important. In addition to my qualitative 'roots', which I have been able to develop further and further, I have acquired a broad spectrum of quantitative know-how. I designed, conducted and analysed large quantitative projects. This has given me a deep understanding of both research methods and thus no blind spots. In my opinion, the choice of methodological approach should always result from your objectives, not be defined in advance by a methodological specialisation of the researcher. In larger projects, it can make a lot of sense to use both qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g. in car clinics). In such cases, my broad methodological expertise is also of great benefit to me. I can therefore offer a very comprehensive range of services.

Industry experience

The area in which I have done a lot of research over the last 15 years. I have designed, conducted and analysed car clinics (concept, design and launch clinics, feature and dynamic clinics), strategic market analyses, trend and innovation research, customer satisfaction and loyalty projects in the automotive sector.
In addition to passenger cars, I have also regularly conducted research on light commercial vehicles.

I was responsible for a New Mobility Newsletter that was produced monthly for a client for several years.
I have also carried out projects for large providers in this field, e.g. a brand positioning.

Consumer goods
FMCGs dominated the first years of my market research work (mainly product, product development and advertising research as well as shelf testing). Since being self-employed/ founding Marktforschung und meer, I have returned to this field more.

IT and technical products
I have regularly conducted qualitative projects with IT decision makers (CIOs, Head of IT, Chief Architects etc.). In this way, I have acquired a comprehensive knowledge of the structures of large IT systems, their challenges and the developments within IT (cloud services, IoT, AI, etc.).
Furthermore, I have regularly conducted innovation research for technical products.

In this area, I conducted customer satisfaction studies with managing directors of municipal utilities and energy buyers of larger utilities. In doing so, I gained deep insights into the complexity of today's energy procurement strategies.

Target group expertise

I have been able to gain experience with diverse target groups. Besides classic consumers, I have also worked with underrepresented target groups (e.g. ethnic minorities, elderly, lonely and financially very limited people).
In the btb field, I spoke with experts from various disciplines (automotive, sociology, journalism, etc.). Decision-makers from large and medium-sized companies were regularly among my discussion partners.

That’s me

I live the typical virtues of the Hamburg merchant (respect, keeping one's word, reliability) and have a dry, North German sense of humour. I have always been fascinated by the diversity of human opinions and perceptions. Even as a child, I was constantly making up games in which I wrote tables. I can really live out these two passions as a qualitative and quantitative market researcher, which always inspires me anew for this profession.

My background

My fascination for people and the many questions that came up led me to study psychology. In the course of my studies, I then came into contact with market research and realised that I had a lot to bring to it and that there was still a lot to learn, a very appealing mixture. I subsequently worked for almost 20 years in market research agencies in Hamburg, the last eight years of which as Deputy Managing Director of HKM GmbH. Then it was time for a change and I decided to set up my own business as a freelance market researcher. I took this step at the beginning of 2022 and founded Marktforschung und meer.

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